How to Get the Most Out of Freelancing

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash
Freelance seems like the perfect dream job, but becoming a freelance worker is not easy or carefree as it might seem on the surface. Regardless of what one might read in the thousands upon thousands of do-it-yourself books that guarantee you will “have what it takes” to be your own boss by the time you read the epilogue, it takes more than some marketable skills and a well-designed home office to become a successful freelancer.
With that in mind, let us review some of the methods you can employ to ensure you are getting the most out of your freelancing venture:
Don’t quit your day job (yet)
Although it may be tempting to pull a Jerry McGuire and tell your boss how you really feel, stick with it until you score at least your first client. By remaining in your current position, you will buy yourself time to build up and perfect your online brand and portfolio.
Build a website you are proud of, create a strategy for making and maintaining a presence on social media, and discover what you truly want to do as a freelancer. Taking these steps will ensure you are starting your career off on the right path.
Choose a niche
Since you still have your day job, you are not in desperate need of money. This means you can be more selective with the work you choose to accept or decline, rather than taking any job for the sake of having an income. By narrowing your scope of work, you will also discover which elements of your field truly interest you — if you did not already know — and prevent yourself from doing work that is beneath your skillset. It is a win-win situation.
Taking professional development courses is never a bad idea, especially if you are in a field that is constantly changing due to technology or other ubiquitous factors. Doing so will keep you ahead of the curve and give you certifications to add to your growing list of achievements — something prospective clients will genuinely respect and trust, thus boosting your credibility.
Produce content frequently
This is quite possibly the most important element of your new career. Seeing as your livelihood will now depend upon your ability to generate high quality content, it is best to flex your creative muscles as much as possible prior to taking on a full workload. Dedicate a few days every month to creating high-quality blog posts, graphics, widgets, or any other content that is both interesting and relevant to your field.